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Seriously handsome at 3 months |Lexington KY baby photographer|

Seriously handsome at 3 months |Lexington KY baby photographer|

I had forgotten how fun it is to photograph 3 month old babies! What a fun stage, as they become alert, and interested in the world around them. Faces full of expressions, even if it’s not always the smiles that brighten mom and dad’s heart. Baby C was no exception…cute, but very seriously cute! We, both parents and I, worked hard to get a few smiles from him, but he was way too interested in everything else going on around him. He was laid back and easy going, did not fuss the entire session, even when he clearly was getting hungry. I love his hair…can you believe at three months he had already had his first haircut!?!! He was just a pleasure to photograph!

C & M – I hope you enjoyed the session. I have a ton of proofs to go through, but I did not want to keep you waiting long. Here are a few images of your handsome little guy…


PS. I want to send a shout out to my mom for making all my precious hats and wraps that I’ve been using! Thanks, mom! I love you.


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I would love to work with you and be your family photographer. Drop me a message, and let's get the session planning started!

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Look over my recent work and check out my product guide for investment information, and details about the different session types. If you think we’re a good match in style, drop me a message with your desired session, dates, and times and we’ll starting planning your dream session!

Serving Lexington and Central Kentucky.

I look forward to working with you.

–Aseel Aziz-Gomez

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